Wednesday, June 22, 2011

First Post

Hey everyone! I figured I would start a blog so potential employers and friends can see how I write and think on a smaller scale. So, this blog will mostly be posts about art and other things I enjoy and think that the world might enjoy too!

One of the best things I've found in the past few days is this amazing tattoo artist based out of NYC. Now, I don't have a tattoo and I'm not even sure that I want one, but I can appreciate some good ink when I see it because I see tattoos as a form of expression for both the artist and the wearer. Amanda Wachob does these incredible abstract tattoos that look like watercolor paintings. 

Spectacular, right? Her conceptual designs are really beautiful too, but her abstract pieces are definitely my favorite. Check out her website if you're interested in getting some new ink or you just want to stare in awe at her sheer creativeness:

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